Getting to Baby with Nutrition, Diet, and Foods for Fertility with Authors Angela Thyer, MD and Judy Simon, RD

How much does what we eat impact our fertility?

Certainly food influences pregnancy and fertility much more than most of us know, possibly more than our doctors know! Fortunately, a book is coming that can change all that, and in this episode, Dr. Lora Shahine is talking with the authors about fertility, food, nutrition, the science of food and fertility, the myths surrounding nutrition and reproduction (hint: it’s NOT all about BMI), and so much more.

Dr. Angela Thyer is a reproductive endocrinologist and Judy Simon is a registered dietitian and reproductive health nutritionist in Seattle, and together they’ve written Getting to Baby: A Food-First Fertility Plan to Improve Your Odds and Shorten Your Time to Pregnancy.

Getting to Baby is a deep dive into choosing the right foods to reduce inflammation and support a healthy body; eating to support conception, healthy pregnancy, and IVF treatments; and actually enjoying shopping, cooking, and eating.

In this episode you’ll hear:

[0:00] Introducing the idea of fertility nutrition with a focus on plant-based foods

[0:51] Nutrition's impact on fertility with medical doctor and registered dietitian

[2:31] Nutrition and fertility with a focus on evidence-based information

[3:55] Creating a supportive community for people with fertility issues

[5:03] Fertility, nutrition, and cooking with guidance from a reproductive endocrinologist and a dietitian

[9:55] The importance of plant-based foods and limiting processed foods

[15:33] What does a “holistic approach” to nutrition and fertility look like?

[21:11] Avoiding restrictive dieting

[22:56] Nutrition accessibility

[31:03] Lifestyle tips for better health

Resources mentioned: 

Getting to Baby by Angela Thyer, MD and Judy Simon, RDN (find at Penguin Random House Books)

Judy Simon, RD on Instagram - @fertilenutrition

Angela Thyer, MD on Instagram @angelathyermd

More education on nutrition and fertility:

Improving Fertility with Diet and Nutrition with Dr. Lora Shahine

Foods that Improve Your Fertility with Dr. Lora Shahine

Foods to Avoid When You’re Trying to Conceive with Dr. Lora Shahine

Stay Up to Date in Fertility News and Events:  Weekly Newsletter

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Lora Shahine, MD

Dr. Lora Shahine, reproductive endocrinologist at Pacific NW Fertility and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, completed her residency in OBGYN at the University of California in San Francisco and fellowship in reproductive endocrinology at Stanford University. She is dedicated to educating and advocating for increased awareness of infertility, miscarriage, and the impact on environmental toxins on health through an active social media presence, teaching, clinical research, and authoring multiple blogs and books including best selling, ‘Not Broken: An Approachable Guide to Miscarriage and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.’


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