I’m tired of infertility and miscarriage being full of shame and silence.
When 1 in 6 couples are struggling to build their family and 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage—these issues are more common than we realize. With my experience as a fertility doctor for almost 20 years and a former infertility patient myself, I don’t shy away from the tough questions and raw issues we all need to explore. Listen to Baby or Bust weekly for interviews with experts, stories from infertility warriors, and educational segments on all things fertility.
New! My podcast was recommended by HeyReprotech’s “Good Listens 2022” - check it out!
Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo on Celebrity Fertility News Baby Or Bust
Lights, camera, fertility. Today's Baby or Bust episode brings back season one guest, stand-up comedian, writer, and fertility advocate Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo to discuss the misrepresentations of infertility in celebrity news with reproductive endocrinologist and host Dr. Lora Shahine.
Sarah Herron from The Bachelor on Mental Health and IVF
Infertility is both a physical and emotional struggle, and today's guest is an open book about hers. On this episode of Baby or Bust, our host Dr. Lora Shahine welcomes Sarah Herron, a three-time Bachelor contestant whose fertility journey coincided with a diagnosis of type two bipolar disorder.
Tarun Verma on His Infertility Film "Conception"
Many infertility journeys happen behind closed doors, but the new film "Conception" puts IVF in the spotlight. In this Baby or Bust episode, reproductive endocrinologist and host Dr. Lora Shahine meets with writer, producer, and director Tarun Verma to discuss the making of his film about infertility.
Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh on Egg Freezing
Two reproductive endocrinologists walk into a podcast recording... And the result is a fascinating discussion about egg freezing. In this episode, Dr. Lora Shahine meets with Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh (also known as "The Egg Whisperer") to articulate the controversies, misunderstandings, and opportunities with egg freezing.
Samantha Busch on Surrogacy and Infertility Advocacy
To many, getting pregnant can feel like a struggle, and today's guest transformed that struggle into strength. In this Baby or Bust episode, reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine meets with IVF advocate and entrepreneur Samantha Busch about everything she learned in her fertility journey.
GG from Shahs of Sunset Shares Her Fertility Journey
Reality TV has many ups and downs, and your fertility journey can often be the same. In this Baby or Bust episode, host and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine meets with Golnesa "GG" Gharachedaghi for a frank discussion about her tumultuous journey toward motherhood—and no topic is off limits.
Amanda Knox on Fertility and Incarceration
Doing time in prison is one thing, but doing it during childbearing years can be a lifetime sentence of its own. In this gripping episode of Baby or Bust, Amanda Knox shares her experience of wrongfully losing her most fertile years in prison with our host Dr. Lora Shahine.
Separating Fact from Fiction with COVID-19 and Fertility
Fasten your seatbelts for a controversial—and educational—episode about COVID-19 and fertility. In this intimate episode, host and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine provides an illuminating medical overview of the pandemic's impact on the fertility community.
Environmental Toxins and Reproduction Health: Potential Countdown to Human Extinction with Dr. Shanna Swan
Today's men have almost 60% less sperm than their parents or grandparents, and research points to environmental toxins as the likely culprit. Host and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine meets with Dr. Shanna Swan, an award-winning scientist, and researcher, to talk through toxins' impact on our reproductive and overall health.
History and Perspective of Assisted Reproduction from Living Fertility Legend Dr. Cappy Rothman
Building a family with donor sperm is more common today than ever before. In this episode of Baby or Bust, Dr. Lora Shahine meets with the father of modern sperm donation, Dr. Cappy Rothman, who explores the past, present, and future of the sperm donation process.
Sperm Donation: Myths vs. Reality from a Sperm Donor
Sperm donation is more common than ever, but it's rare to hear about the donor's motivations and repercussions—until now. Host and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine meets with long-time sperm donor Zack to learn about his experience discovering, applying, and becoming a frequent donor.
Surrogacy: Finding Purpose and Fighting Misconceptions with Eloise Drain
Surrogacy is shrouded in misconceptions, and it's often the answer to the end of a long infertility journey. Eloise Drane, the owner of egg donor and surrogacy agency Family Inceptions, tackles the misunderstood topic head-on with Baby or Bust host and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine.
Men Matter: The Other Half of Infertility from Male Fertility Expert Dr. Paul Turek
Male infertility: How common is it, and what can you do to beat the odds? In this information-packed episode of Baby or Bust, reproductive endocrinologist and host Dr. Lora Shahine speaks with Dr. Paul Turek, a leading innovator in male reproductive health and founder of The Turek Clinic, to separate fact from fiction with male infertility.
Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis: Fighting Misconception and Finding Hope with Pelvic Pain Specialist Dr. Sonia Bahlani
Many women suffer in pain—from periods, intercourse, and everyday life—for years before getting a diagnosis. In today's episode, Dr. Lora Shahine meets with guest Dr. Sonia Bahlani, a chronic pelvic pain specialist, to uncover advice that helps listeners advocate for the care they need and deserve.
Love Makes a Family: An Adoption Story with Cathie Quillet
There are many ways to build a family, and today we're talking about adoption. Host and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine meets with Cathie Quillet, a licensed marriage and family therapist, author, and public speaker, to expound on the ins and outs of adoption.
Against the Odds: Having a Baby Naturally After Failing IVF with Kaci Aitchison Boyle
Each person's fertility journey can be full of surprises, and Baby or Bust guest Kaci Aitchison Boyle is no exception. Host and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lora Shahine sits down with communications master (and former patient) Kaci to discuss her experience undergoing years of fertility treatments—and a surprise pregnancy at age 40.
Mental Health and Emotional Wellness Through Infertility with Dr. Ali Domar from Harvard University
Let's get to the heart of emotional stress and its impact on physical health. Reproductive endocrinologist and host Dr. Lora Shahine welcomes Dr. Ali Domar, a world leader in mind-body medicine, for an honest discussion about stress, infertility, grief, empathy, and the many different emotions that come with family building.
When Infertility is the Man's Fault with Laura and Jon Summers from Infertility Man
Infertility can feel like a women's club, but men are also affected by the emotional tolls. Dr. Lora Shahine speaks with Jon and Laura of Infertility Man (a website, YouTube channel, and soon-to-be book) to share their perspective on building a family through IVF after Jon survived testicular cancer.
IVF is Not Like Ordering Off A Menu and Other Celebrity Misconceptions with Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo
This episode acknowledges the loneliness of infertility and support systems to help. Reproductive endocrinologist and host Dr. Lora Shahine meets with podcaster and advocate Kaela McDougall to discuss the pain of infertility, humor as a tool for healing, and the special connection shared between those who have experienced infertility.
Validating Your Own Fertility Journey with Kaela McDougall from 'Infertile Mafia' Podcast
This episode acknowledges the loneliness of infertility and support systems to help. Reproductive endocrinologist and host Dr. Lora Shahine meets with podcaster and advocate Kaela McDougall to discuss the pain of infertility, humor as a tool for healing, and the special connection shared between those who have experienced infertility.