Interview Lora Shahine, MD Interview Lora Shahine, MD


I review common misconceptions about miscarriage and how unique the healing process can be for each person. Loved ones can mean well but say the wrong things all the time - learn how to be supportive of yourself and others.

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Interview Lora Shahine, MD Interview Lora Shahine, MD

"Does stress cause infertility?"

"Does stress cause infertility?" Is one of the most common questions I hear every day. It's hard to tease part which comes first because struggling to complete your family is one of the most stressful and emotionally challenging experiences someone can have.

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Interview Lora Shahine, MD Interview Lora Shahine, MD

Tasha Jennings

In this 30 minute interview we delve deep into my research and understanding of the link between diminished ovarian reserve and miscarriage.

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