Signs of Early Pregnancy: How Soon Can You Know

Are you in the dreaded two-week wait and wondering what symptoms to look for? How can you tell the difference between early pregnancy signs and normal cycle symptoms? What are the most common mistakes people make when testing for pregnancy too early?

In this episode, Dr. Lora Shahine is easing your uncertainty around the two-week wait, explaining the early signs of pregnancy and how they relate to different phases of the menstrual cycle. She explains the role of progesterone, potential implantation symptoms, and what to expect during this time.

Dr. Shahine also shares the biggest misconceptions about detecting pregnancy early and provides expert advice on the best ways to test accurately. Listeners will walk away with a better understanding of their body, practical tips for symptom interpretation, and the reasons it’s so important to consult a medical professional for guidance. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

[1:10]Understanding the menstrual cycle

[3:02] Recognizing early pregnancy signs

[6:00] Common mistakes

[9:13] Closing thoughts

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Lora Shahine, MD

Dr. Lora Shahine, reproductive endocrinologist at Pacific NW Fertility and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, completed her residency in OBGYN at the University of California in San Francisco and fellowship in reproductive endocrinology at Stanford University. She is dedicated to educating and advocating for increased awareness of infertility, miscarriage, and the impact on environmental toxins on health through an active social media presence, teaching, clinical research, and authoring multiple blogs and books including best selling, ‘Not Broken: An Approachable Guide to Miscarriage and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.’


Introducing Brave & Curious with Dr. Lora Shahine


Timeline: How Long Does it REALLY take?