Timeline: How Long Does it REALLY take?
How long does the IVF process take from start to finish? What are the key stages involved in egg freezing versus embryo creation? What factors can influence the overall timeline to pregnancy?
In this episode of Baby or Bust Fertility, Dr. Laura Shahine breaks down the IVF process and its timeline, to help you navigate this complex journey. She explains the four main stages of IVF: the compliance checklist, preparation for stimulation, the stimulation cycle, and for those pursuing embryo creation, the embryo transfer stage.
There are some factors that impact the timeline. So it’s important to understand clinic availability and protocols, set realistic expectations, and do some financial and medical preparations. You can’t really “plan” much during IVF, but this episode can at least help you with a realistic timeline.
In this episode you’ll hear:
[0:48] Understanding the IVF process
[2:07] Compliance checklist
[6:37] Preparation phase
[8:41] Stimulation cycle
[11:31] Embryo transfer and final steps
[16:14] Factors that impact the timeline
[17:35] Clinic policies and timing
[22:04] Keeping your expectations realistic
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