Fertility, Emotional Wellness Lora Shahine, MD Fertility, Emotional Wellness Lora Shahine, MD

Thanksgiving Infertility Survival Tips: How to Cope in 2020

Thanksgiving can be a joyful time for gathering with family and friends, but it can be full of triggers when you’re dealing with infertility and miscarriage. Thanksgiving in the midst of a 2020 global pandemic will definitely be different but connecting with family and friends either in small in person gatherings or over phone, FaceTime, or a Zoom-enabled dinner can still provide the stinging reminder of the frustrations of family building. Keep reading to learn coping skills for navigating the minefield of questions and suggestions that come with all the holidays.

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Miscarriage, Fertility, Emotional Wellness Lora Shahine, MD Miscarriage, Fertility, Emotional Wellness Lora Shahine, MD

Holiday Survival Guide with Infertility and Miscarriage

Holidays are tough when you do not have the family of your dreams yet. If you or someone you love is struggling with infertility or miscarriage this holiday season, this post is for you. Read here about tips and reassuring suggestions for navigating the holidays while you are trying to conceive.

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Fertility Lora Shahine, MD Fertility Lora Shahine, MD

Fitness and Fertility: To Exercise or Not to Exercise While Trying to Conceive

It can be confusing as a patient trying to navigate the conflicting advice from the internet, friends, and family. Women are told everything from ‘Absolutely no exercise while trying to conceive!’ to ‘Exercising is great!” Women are left confused and often terrified of doing the wrong thing, and they may stop exercising completely losing a healthy way of maintaining fitness. Every patient is unique, but everyone should keep their body moving in ways that are right for them. Instead of broad, general, and dogmatic rules, let’s review the literature and some unique situations to help

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Toxins, Fertility Lora Shahine, MD Toxins, Fertility Lora Shahine, MD

BPA and Your Fertility: What You Need to Know Now

BPA (2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane) or bisphenol A is a carbon-based synthetic compound that has been used in many household products since the 1950s. In recent years, serious concerns about BPA’s effects on reproduction has called into question it’s widespread use. BPA has been linked to infertility, miscarriage, and more, and legislation can be slow to catch up with scientific evidence when it comes to protecting consumers. In the case of BPA and your reproductive health, you should be your own advocate.

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Fertility, Emotional Wellness Lora Shahine, MD Fertility, Emotional Wellness Lora Shahine, MD

Does Stress Cause Infertility? Answers From A Fertility Specialist

As a fertility specialist, one of the most common questions I get from my patients every day is "Does stress cause infertility?" Some studies suggest a mind/body connection between stress and health issues and infertility is one of the most stressful challenges someone can face. What does the evidence show? How do I answer this question?

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Fertility Lora Shahine, MD Fertility Lora Shahine, MD

Do Not Let Your Ovarian Reserve Test Results Define You!

Ovarian reserve testing is currently the best way women can learn about their egg quality and fertility potential, but it is not perfect. The testing involves blood work for hormone levels that fertility specialists have used for years to counsel women about fertility but a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association from the University of North Carolina shows these tests do not predict fertility as well as we previously thought.

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IVF, Fertility Lora Shahine, MD IVF, Fertility Lora Shahine, MD

Janet Jackson Delivered a Baby at Age 51 - Wait, What?

When Janet Jackson canceled her world tour because she was pregnant at age 50 and delivered her first child at age 51, many celebrated with her but also ask, How? Many women asked themselves 'If she can do it at that age, why not me?' Janet Jackson has a right to her own privacy, but the speculations lead to uncertainty and her silence can be a missed opportunity to educate women on the limitations of fertility treatment.

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Fertility Lora Shahine, MD Fertility Lora Shahine, MD

Fast Facts on Weight and Fertility

Weight is a sensitive subject for everyone, but for those trying to conceive, it is important to review and understand its impact on fertility and pregnancy. Being either underweight or overweight can make it more difficult to get pregnant, decrease success rates with fertility treatments, and lead to complications in pregnancy. However, you can optimize your chances for a healthy baby by learning more about the impact weight can have on fertility and taking steps to reach a healthier weight.

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Fertility Lora Shahine, MD Fertility Lora Shahine, MD

7 Questions You Should Ask Your Fertility Doctor

If you’re planning to see a fertility doctor, you’ll get the most out of your visit if you come prepared. Discussing issues like egg quality, sperm count, timing sex, and treatment options can leave anyone feeling a little dazed and confused. And getting started on the right foot will make what can be a stressful, confusing process go much more smoothly. This list of questions is a great thing to take along with you to your next visit—and don’t forget to bring something to take notes with!

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